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Enhanced Undergraduate Experiences

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There are a number of initiatives at the LSI to enhance and increase the number and quality of educational and training opportunities for the undergraduate students.

1.  Fisher Scientific Undergraduate Trainee Award – This award supports 2 summer students who are in their 3rd or 4th year with a concentration in biomedical science and provides successful applicants an exciting, hands-on opportunity to spend four months in research labs and clinics in their field of interest.

This year’s Fisher Scientific Undergraduate Trainee Awards went to 2 very deserving students in Shernaz Bamji and Harley Kurata lab.  Click on the slide below to view their project abstracts.

fisher award, 2013

Previous Awardees

2. Departmental Directed Studies – The different departments have independant research courses that are part of the core curriculum and that have defined rules and regulations.  Some are restricted to majors only and others open to other students.  Please see the details below:

 MICB 448A or 448B (3 credits Laboratory Project)  BIOL 448  PHYL 449(for all PHYL
course descriptions)
 BIOC 448
 MICB 448C  BIOL 449 BIOC 449
 MICB 449

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Life Sciences Institute
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

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